Thursday, November 30, 2006

Changing Obsessions

Now that I have recovered a bit from my post-election hang-over I can see that my political obsession is changing a bit into an Iraq anti-war obsession. For that reason I am adding one of my dad's favorite websites,, to my links.

For more great protest photos check out this link. It is amazing how many people on the planet have gotten up to protest this God aweful war.

Hey Political Geeks

Kos has a post about his early impressions about the Democratic race. For all you political geeks like me it is pretty good stuff. I like what he has to say- there is a reason he has become the guru that he has- his instincts are good. I like that he said he sees Edwards in a good position for '08. I like Edwards- he and Obama I think are my 2 favs now.

Advent is Almost Here

You can't really tell from this photo, but this house has 24 little doors to be opened each day up to Christmas during December.

I loved Advent Calendars when I was a kid. In October we were in Costco and we saw this Advent House. I normally do not go crazy for Christmas decorations, but this I thought was pretty cool. My mom believe it or not quilted another Advent calendar for Aida. That one will go in the kid's bedroom.

If the kids behave they may find a little chocolate behind door #1 in the morning....

Vintage Religion

Kind of strange name- but from the outside this is a pretty cool looking new shop right down the street from us. (Between us and Starbucks....) Their website describes it this way:

"A unique boutique offering art, antiques, gifts, cards,
jewelry, apparel and home accessories. Inspired by world
religions and cultures."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

More Thanksgiving Photos

Pepe has more on his blog....

Daleth has one too....

OK so he is an Ass-Hole too.....

Emily Heil writes that at a White House private dinner just after the election featuring "newly elected lawmakers," Bush asked Webb "how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing." According to a person who was present at the dinner, Webb replied to the President that he "really wanted to see his son brought back home."

"I didn't ask you that, I asked how he's doing," Bush replied, according to The Hill's source.

"Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the source, but of course didn't,"

Oh My Gawd- Our President is a Moron

"No question it's tough, no question about it," Bush said at a news conference with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. "There's a lot of sectarian violence taking place, fomented in my opinion because of the attacks by al-Qaida causing people to seek reprisal."

Monday, November 27, 2006

Breaking Bloggging Protocol

It kind of goes against blogging law to steal a WHOLE post of another blogger- one should quote and then link. However I had to steal this whole damn post from my blogger idol Atrios because it is just so damn good. He is so pissed about what is happening in Iraq and how the "center moderates" that we all are supposed to worship let it happen.
He he is in all his glory:


Thanks Oh Wise Men of Washington. Thank you St. McCain. Thank you Last Honest Man. Thanks oh Glorious Keepers of the Flame of the Vital Center. Thanks Jon "Beware the Dirty Fucking Hippies" Chait. Thank you Richard Cohen and Margaret "Whatever Colin does, I’ll go with" Carlson. Thank you oh self-glorifying stewards of our national discourse for sending us down this path. Thank you Joe Lieberman Weekly for being wrong about everything all the time, and therefore making it easy for me to choose a direction every morning.


The U.S. military is no longer able to defeat a bloody insurgency in western Iraq or counter al-Qaeda's rising popularity there, according to newly disclosed details from a classified Marine Corps intelligence report that set off debate in recent months about the military's mission in Anbar province.

The Marines recently filed an updated version of that assessment that stood by its conclusions and stated that as of mid-November, the problems in troubled Anbar province have not improved, a senior U.S. intelligence official said yesterday. "The fundamental questions of lack of control, growth of the insurgency and criminality" remain the same, the official said.

The Marines' August memo, a copy of which was shared with The Washington Post, is far more bleak than some officials suggested when they described it in late summer. The report describes Iraq's Sunni minority as "embroiled in a daily fight for survival," fearful of "pogroms" by the Shiite majority and increasingly dependent on al-Qaeda in Iraq as its only hope against growing Iranian dominance across the capital.

-Atrios 10:19 PM"

"Anyone Who Still Remains in Doubt Whether This is Civil War or not is Suffering from the Luxury of Distance"

Michael Ware from CNN gives another chilling report about how hellish Bagdad has become.

We did this.

Bush Twins Still in Argentina

Bush Twins Watch Argentinian Team, Boca Junior, win an important game from the owner's box.

From ABC News:

Amid a growing barrage of front-page headlines, U.S. embassy officials "strongly suggested" President Bush's twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush, cut short their trip to Buenos Aires because of security issues, U.S. diplomatic and security sources tell ABC News.

But the girls have stayed on, celebrating their 25th birthday over the weekend and producing even more headlines about their activities....

....Stories of the twins' visit took on wild proportions in the Argentinean press. One tabloid headline had the young women running nude in the hallway of their hotel, a report the hotel staff denied to ABC News.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Raw Story Has Good Story on Poisoned Russian

Read here.

"Death Lurks at Every Corner"

CNN's John Roberts on Iraq. Media Critic (and ass wipe) Howie Kurtz keeps saying "the media is criticized for being too negative too violent? Is that true?" over and over and over. I suppose he is trying to be "balanced" but as Robert's clearly explains when the situation is as dreadful as it is in Baghdad, there is no silver lining, no other side, no balance.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Meet Our Future Democratic Chairpeople

Today's episode of "Meet our Future Democratic Chairpeople" is a person many of you already know, especially fellow Californians, Representative Henry Waxman who has been a pain in the ass for the Bush Administration already for 6 years. He is about to become the Chairman for the Government Reform Committee. I am sure the Bushies are not happy at all that Waxman is actually going to have some real power now. The AP has a decent bio up of him today. Read and be happy.

Russian Spy Poisoned w/ Radioative Material

Alexander V. Litvinenko in his hospital bed in London on Nov. 20.

This story about the poisoned former spy gets more and more unbelievable. Tragically he died earlier this week, after being very sick for 3 weeks. Yesterday British authorities announced that the very rare, very radioactive substance polonium 210 was found in his body.

From the NY Times:

If substantial amounts of polonium 210 were used to poison Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy who died Thursday, whoever did it presumably had access to a high-level nuclear laboratory and put himself at some risk carrying out the assassination, experts said today.

There is no antidote, and handling it in a laboratory requires special equipment. But to be fatal, it must be swallowed, breathed in or injected; the alpha particles it produces cannot penetrate the skin. So it could theoretically be carried safely in a glass vial or paper envelope and sprinkled into food or drink by a killer willing to take the chance that he did not accidentally breathe it in or swallow it.

“This is wild,” said Dr. F. Lee Cantrell, a toxicologist and director of the San Diego division of the California Poison Control System. “To my knowledge, it’s never been employed as a poison before. And it’s such an obscure thing. It’s not easy to get. That’s going to be something like the KGB would have it in some secret facility or something.”

More background here.

Great article from the Guardian addressing the questions, who did this? and why?

Friday, November 24, 2006

It's That Time of Year Again

I refuse to listen to Christmas music until Thanksgiving is finished.

Poor Dennis Hastert

Photo: Melinda Sue Gordon

Joe at Americablog shares that the New York Times reports the future X Speaker of the House is, "dejected and embarrassed." Makes a girl like me want to cry.

More Thanksgiving Blogging

Give Mama some wine, pretty soon the baby is playing with a knife...

Indika and "Indiko"

More Bad News

Jesus- we are really fucked in Iraq.

Lydia: The Hostess w/ the Mostest

Just got back from a lovely Thanksgiving at Lydia and Shawn's. More photos tomorrow.

Kid's Table. Shawn's mom might have thought that she was coming for a quiet Thanksgiving in San Diego- fat chance.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Over at Annie and Matt's place, Plump Otter, They have some photos of their kids from a few years back under the heading of "Thankful" I am just going to out and out steal their idea:

Aida at 3 1/2. She was a flower girl in aunt Gaby's wedding. Coincidentally Mac first wore this dress at her aunt and uncle Cammy and Craig's wedding who happen to be visiting San Diego for Thanksgiving right now. Cammy is expecting her own little one next year.

Pablo, about 2 weeks old. He was such a "pretty" newborn. Especially in this lovely sweater Eduardo's mom crocheted for him. Look at that peaceful face....

A lot to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bush Drinking Again?

Hey John McCain

Be careful what you wish for....

Go Raw

A lot of good stuff in the left wing news site Raw Story today.

Ry and Lola = Buddies

I just realized that these two are only a few months apart in age. Since Ry has a dog at home he is not scared even of a big thing like Lola. Lola sure doesn't complain about the attention. Considering she is not even a year old she is amazingly gentle with him.
Ry's big sister Indi was not so impressed with Lola earlier in the day when at six in the morning Lola decided to say good morning by licking her face over and over.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Live Monpoly Blogging

Indi is on day 2 of a "TWO DAY SLEEPOVER!" Her mom Lydia had to bring Indi's 13 month old brother Ry over earlier tonight because he was so desperate to see her. He jumped into Indi's lap and wouldn't even go to his mama- anyone who knows Ry knows what a big deal that is.
We are now playing our new Monopoly "Here and Now" game that I bought at Target this evening (fyi 5 dollar off coupon in the store...)
Pablo was mad I got Monopoly-he is a bit young... he helped Indi be banker for a bit and then went to watch TV in the bedroom. He lasted about 5 minutes.

Aida's New Glassses

The other photo of Aida in her new glasses didn't turn out so well. Here is a better one.

I Continue to Love Charlie Rangel

I am so glad he is in the leadership now. We all know that one reason people have not taken to the streets against this war like they did during Vietnam is the lack of a draft. Face it most draft age boys think, "sacrifice is great unless my middle class butt has to go". Gillard writes today that Rangel wants to call the GOP out:

WASHINGTON - Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft after turning 18 if the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has his way.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching wars and to bolster U.S. troop levels insufficient to cover potential future action in Iran, North Korea and Iraq.

"There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.

Rangel, a veteran of the Korean War who has unsuccessfully sponsored legislation on conscription in the past, said he will propose a measure early next year.

Gillard writes:
Rangel has two recruiting stations in his district, the neighboring ones have none. When you look at who gets killed in Iraq, no one from Dalton and the Upper East Side is included. But immigrants from Queens, firefighters, and a bunch of working people

Media Matters

For those of you interested in the Media the latest piece by Jameson Foser at Media Matters is a must read:

Given the magnitude of the Republicans' loss, we might expect the journalists and pundits who have so mercilessly mocked Democrats as bumblers and fools, the political equivalent of the Washington Generals, to turn their snide comments and patronizing jokes on the GOP...
...But those waiting for similar treatment of the GOP at the hands of the nation's political reporters and pundits shouldn't hold their breath. It isn't coming.

If You are Going To Change The Channel Just Let Me Know...

Anyone who has had more than 3 conversations with me will laugh when they read this:

Eduardo and I were having a conversation this morning when suddenly, as I am prone to do, I changed the subject in mid-conversation and started talking about something new. (of course in mid-thought....) Eduardo was silent and then said, "Hey baby, if you are going to change the channel just let me know." I laughed and laughed. Later I realized that we really have come a long way in our over a decade of being together. Not that long ago that kind of situation would have frustrated Eduardo to no endand probably would have led to bickering. Somehow now Eduardo can let me know in a humorous way that sometimes he can not understand what in the hell I am talking about.

Is She Slouching?

Democrats may be taking over Congress, but lets talk about what is really important- Tom and Katie's wedding this weekend in Italy. Love the drss (the background is a little weird) but Katie looks like she is totally slouching so she doesn't look taller than Tom! Poor girl. She would look much better standing straight up.
Maybe that is why Tom left Nicole.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

More Photos

Pablo before the game playing with his treasured "grabber" that he got this summer in Iowa.

Aida and teamates running under the parent's arms after the game is finished.

Aida's Last Soccer Game

I apologize to all of you who really just want to see photos of the kids, not listen to me go on and on about politics. The obsession of the election and a new job (I know I haven't even talked about the job.... more later.....) have made me not take many photos lately. Today however I took a bunch of photos at Aida's soccer game- the last one of the regular season. The whole team played great. They had 2 unlucky breaks which is why they lost 2-0- but it is amazing how much they have all improved. I will post a couple now and then more a little later this evening.

Aida runs for the ball

Keeping her eye on the ball

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How Cute is This?

Just stole this from my friend Debbie in Japan's new blog. This is her 4 year old son Koji blowing his first "real bubble".

This is what I love about blogs. I have not been lucky enough to meet Koji. Debbie and I were pregnant for our first babies in Japan at the same time and went to most of our dr appointments together- well not together- but we waited in the waiting room together. (We were both due March 10, 1998! her son Issei was born early 2/20 and Aida late 3/17.) We loved our clinic and had a lot of fun with the nurses who were very excited to see some "Gaijin babies" Anyway she met Pablo in San Diego when he was just a little peanut (I think Pablo actually inspired her to go try for Koji because Pablo was such a damn cute baby but I digress...) I am so glad that she has started her blog so I can see regular photos of life in Nagasaki and her cute cute boys. With Debbie for a mom their lives will never be boring!

Murtha Loses

Shit- bummer.

However I it still doesn't get me over my euphoria about winning the House and Senate.

Rush Limbaugh Admits he is a Putz

This is so funny- Rush Limbaugh says that he feels "liberated" by the Republican loss because he will no longer have to "carry water for people he doesn't think deserve to have their water carried."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Murtha Says He Will be the Next House Majority Leader

That is what he told Chris Matthews, read all about it- and check out the video over at Crooks and Liars .

Steve Gillard has the best explanation why Murtha needs to win (even with a few "earmark" question marks...) I love Steve's argument. Yes! this is about Iraq and how outrageous it is. Murtha deserves a lot of credit, he turned around the rhetoric and made it OK for Democrats to talk about leaving. The GOP tried to make him seem like a sissy- but unlike Kerry he doesn't look the part. I mean look at the guy- he eats plenty of red meat that is for sure. Here is what Steve has to say:

CREW is worried about earmarks, I'm worried about dead and wounded GI's. I can see their point, I just don't give a shit about it.

If they want to worry about earmarks, fine. But to me, I am sick and fucking tired of seeing teenagers getting their skulls replaced and learning to walk on artificial legs. I'm tired of PTSD stories from kids who aren't old enough to rent a car. I am tired of seeing grieving parents collapsing at their teenager's grave side.

If making Jack Murtha majority leader will make that clear, to Bush if no one else, that the priority is Iraq, and that the war MUST end, then I'm for Murtha or anyone else who can make that happen.

I think CREW's report is designed to help their backstabbing buddy Hoyer. Hoyer has repeatedly undermined Pelosi. So now he gets rewarded? Election reform is important, but so are armless 19 year olds.

But that isn't the issue. It is the wounded and dead in Iraq. We may not be able to help the Iraqis for years, but we can get out of their country.

It's really quite simple, if you want to help end the war, e-mail your Congressman and ask them to support Murtha, not Hoyer. And when both sides start dragging up votes, ask what they really mean.

Because Hoyer is the DLC candidate and they don't really care about Iraq, their kids aren't fighting there.

What I wonder is what scares them so much about Murtha that Hoyer has to seek to use his friends to tear him down.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Fox is Supporting Terrorists

No really- it is not just hyperbole.

Excuse Me While I Go and Vomit

From CNN via TPM Cafe:

Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, who bolted the Democratic party after losing a primary election this year to run as an independent, won a standing ovation at a closed meeting of all Senate Democrats Tuesday.

Lieberman was introduced by Democratic Leader Harry Reid who, according to Lieberman, told his colleagues that, "families go through crisis but we survived and I just want to welcome back Joe Lieberman."

Read and Weep...

...out of happiness! Check out the new committee assignments in the Senate over at Americablog. Reading one after another made my day. Chairwoman Boxer sounds pretty damn good.

The photo is from Valentine's Day '05. Thousands sent roses to Boxer to thank her for her grilling of Condi Rice during her confirmation hearings for Secretary of State.

Guess Who

has figured out how to keep a cup of beer in her back pocket?

Click here for answer.

Huffington on the Majority Leader Race


Here's the best summation of why Dems should vote for Jack Murtha, courtesy of Rep. Jim McDermott: "The president's worst nightmare is to have to sit at breakfast with Jack Murtha

Freedom on the March

Look what we have unleashed in Iraq:

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Gunmen wearing Iraqi police commando uniforms kidnapped up to 150 staff and visitors in a lightning raid on a government research institute in downtown Baghdad on Tuesday, the largest mass abduction since the start of the U.S. occupation...
...The abductions were the most brazen attack yet on Iraqi academics, who have often been targeted by insurgents. Recent weeks have seen a university dean and prominent Sunni geologist murdered, bringing the death toll among educators to at least 155 since the war began.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Freud in the White House

The whole father/son dynamic has always fascinated me about Bush 41 & 43. There is definitely something weird going on there. Digby has a great new post about it. He quotes Molly Ivans:

Bush likes to claim the difference between him and his father is that, "He went to Greenwich Country Day and I went to San Jacinto Junior High." He did. For one year. Then his family moved to a posh neighborhood in Houston, and he went to the second-best prep school in town (couldn't get into the best one) before going off to Andover as a legacy.

Jim Hightower's great line about Bush, "Born on third and thinks he hit a triple," is still painfully true. Bush has simply never acknowledged that not only was he born with a silver spoon in his mouth -- he's been eating off it ever since.
read the whole thing. What do you all think- what is the deal with those two?

"The GOP is DOA"

Great compalation piece of Late Night's take on the election from Olberman. How often can you see Rumsfeld rolling a big 'ol joint?

The Dark One is on the Outs


Sometime between "Dude, we should totally use 9/11 to invade Iraq" and last Tuesday, the road that Vice President Dick Cheney steered George Bush down dead-ended and they found themselves with four flat tires and out of gas. George Bush who has never been responsible for anything in his life, publicly blamed Karl Rove in the next day but kept his oedipal rage at Dick Cheney in check.

Lamont Looks Better and Better

Jesus Christ why the 30% of Democrats in Connecticut didn't see this coming I will never understand.

Not to mention the dumb shits Harry Reid and Chuck Shumer who never really supported Lamont. We lose Lieberman you can wave your big Majority Leader office good-bye Harry. Why the hell they thought they should put their money on Lieberman I will never understand...

Thanks to Raw Story for the link to the Boston Globe article:

WASHINGTON -- Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut said yesterday that he will caucus with Senate Democrats in the new Congress, but he would not rule out switching to the Republican caucus if he starts to feel uncomfortable among Democrats.


The Downside of Immigration Debate for Republicans

Even on Air America when talking about immigration they never talked about the Hispanic vote- Josh Marshall writes today:

.... And exit poll data suggests a big drop off for Republicans among hispanic voters. According to the CNN exit polls, the 2004 spread as 40% for Republicans, 53% for Democrats. This year it was 26% for the GOP and 73% for Democrats.

Holy crap- 20 points in 2 years. That is some major movement.

Aida in the Booth

Well really at the kitchen table- check out her new glasses.

UPDATE: I need to get a better photo- you can't really see how cool her classes are- they are a cool shape- here they just look like ovals.

Great way to start my Monday:

Thanks Bilmon:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

How Pissed is W?

Eduardo and I were laughing the other day about Daddy Bush talking to W about having to clean up his mess again. We imagined him saying something like this:

"Well, surprise surprise just like always, you fucked things up. I always knew Jeb shoulda been President. He was a football star- you were a cheerleader. Thought you could be more of a man and get rid of Saddam? Thought Brent didn't know what the hell he was talking about? Once again you gotta call me to bail your ass out. "
Of course W will never read this blog so he doesn't care about conversations that make Eduardo and I laugh. Newsweek on the other hand I bet he reads:

(Image coming when blogger starts behaving)
Here it is:

Big Support for Murtha

Nancy Pelosi herself (that is Madam Speaker to you W.) just announced she was endorsing Murtha.

Hoyer announced today he had the votes- I would imagine this changes everything. We shall see....

UPDATE: The Hill newspaper got a copy of the letter Pelosi wrote endorsing Murtha- good stuff. Gives a pretty strong signal Pelosi is serious about Iraq.

"Your strong voice for national security, the war on terror and Iraq provides genuine leadership for our party, and I count on you to continue to lead on these vital issues," Pelosi wrote Murtha Sunday in a letter obtained by The Hill.
Sorry to bug you guys again- but if your Representative is a Democrat call and let them know you think they should support Murtha and Pelosi.

Problems w/ Blogger

Can't upload photos today- annoying. I am not sure what is wrong with blogger/google lately. Hopefully they will work out the kinks soon.

Sunday Morning Photo Booth

Eduardo is playing soccer, Pablo and I are hanging out about to leave to pick up Aida after another slumber party. Watched some Sunday Morning News shows; nothing much to report except that after a Democratic triumph at the polls Meet the Press decided to have two guests- John McCain and Joe Lieberman! What idiots. I watched McCain, but had to turn off the TV when Lieberman came on- I just can't take him.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I Heart Howard Dean Too

This is a great article by one of my favorite political writers, Joe Conason, about how this election proves what a political stud Howard Dean is. (you need to watch a short ad first)

James Carville is a total wanker- he hates Dean and his "people powered" politics. He is part of the political elite and doesn't like people outside of the beltway thinking that they have a role.

Some big name Democrats want to oust DNC Chairman Howard Dean, arguing that his stubborn commitment to the 50-state strategy and his stinginess with funds for House races cost the Democrats several pickup opportunities.

The candidate being floated to replace Dean? Harold Ford.

Says James Carville, one of the anti-Deaniacs, "Suppose Harold Ford became chairman of the DNC? How much more money do you think we could raise? Just think of the difference it could make in one day. Now probably Harold Ford wants to stay in Tennessee. I just appointed myself his campaign manager."

If he thinks he can force Dean out of the top DNC job he is crazy.

UPDATE: Chuck Shumer is also jumped on the bash Dean bandwagon.

UPDATE II: Before Eduardo beats me to this in the comments- yes I WAS WRONG TO DECIDE TO DUMP DEAN FOR KERRY THE DAY BEFORE THE IOWA CAUCUS. I was a fool. Smarter people like Sam, Dana and Eduardo are to be commended.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Heart Charlie Rangel

He actually wants to kick Dick Cheney out of his Congressional office:

Harlem's newly powerful Rep. Charles Rangel wants to stick it to his White House nemesis Vice President Cheney - by taking over his spacious House office.

At the same time, the veteran congressman offered a limp olive branch to the vice president yesterday, saying he regretted publicly calling him an SOB last week.

"I take back saying that publicly. I should have reserved that for him when we were together privately," said Rangel. "Believe me, he would have understood."...

..."Mr. Cheney enjoys an office on the second floor on the House of Representatives that historically has been designated as the Ways and Means chairman," Rangel mused. "And, I've talked with [future Speaker of the House] Nancy Pelosi ... and I'm trying to find some way to be gentle as I restore the dignity of that office to the chair."

I love it.

Murtha for Majority Leader

I just called my Representative Susan Davis (San Diego's office Phone Number: (619) 280-5353) to encourage her to support Jack Murtha for Majority Leader. (Steny Hoyer is the favorite- he is way too corporate friendly for me) Murtha should be rewarded for sticking his neck out about Iraq last year. I doubt if we would have won the house if he hadn't. Plus it just sends a great message to the country- Democrats are tough too.
Calling takes literally one minute- do it. (please)

UPDATE: Arianna Huffington agrees with me.

Don, Pundit Extraordinaire

Don and Lydia on Election Night

Don in an email to me sent on November 4th:

The only senate seat that holds for the Republicans is Tennessee. In the house, the Democrats end up with 236 seats.
He was right about the Senate- I thought we would only gain 5. Right now the House is at 229 Dems, but 10 still undecided. If we pick up 7 of those seats he will have been totally right. Good thing I didn't bet him again.

I only took one other photo of people on election night- I would post it, but I actually got a bad photo of Caroline- that is a rare occurrence- she is unfairly photogenic that woman.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Recovery

Image: Reuters
Karl "not such a friggen genius today" Rove listening to W the day after losing the House and Senate

Like so many of us James Wolcott can hardly believe this has happened:

As a lifelong misanthrope and fatalist, it's hard for me to take this buffeting of good news. It's almost more than my Eeyore ears can bear! Every thing tastes sweeter today. Even the rain seems rainier, as if the sky was weeping with joy and relief. Last night when we finally tumbled to bed at 2 AM the news was good, and when we opened the NY Times and the Daily News this morning the news was even better--how often does that happen? (emphasis mine)
It is amazing the collective trauma that we liberals have suffered since 2004. Every time I told someone that I was feeling good about the election they would cover their ears and say "shh shh- don't jinx it!"(Kim) Some people I know just kept saying they knew it was going to be stolen, (Linda) routines like attending an election party were changed (Sam & Dana), when told the first numbers looked good people yelled, "don't say that!", (Caroline) when all of these crazy things were said people tended to quickly agree with the logic. (me)

If we should learn one thing from the Republicans it is that a good offense is the best defense. It is time for us to stop worrying all the time- especially stop worrying about what people think of us. If Bush is sincere that he wants bi-partisanship to start he needs to show it by doing more than just firing Rumsfeld and taking Pelosi out to lunch. How about nominating Madeleine Albright to the ambassador to the UN? She did it before and the world likes and respects her.

Until he walks the walk not just talks the talk I am sticking with this: Kick 'em when they're down.


John from Americablog posted this song (only sound no video) after hearing the Senate has been called for the Democrats. Listen to it- you will agree. Couldn't be more perfect.

Dems Win Senate!!!

Views From the Big Screen

Last night we broke in Shawn and Lydia's new plasma big honking TV. I wanted to make a photo collection of all my favorite concesion speeches- but they just didn't have that many- I guess there was too much going on. Here are a couple of the images I loved:

Santorum goes DOWN. I remember a year ago people said this might be the Democrats only pick up. HA!

I took this because of the "Dems Need 1 Seat to Control House" Hysteria is about to hit us all.

As Don pointed out: There was so much talk about the freak Nancy Pelosi who would become our Speaker of the House- look at the fat slob they call their leader. (Don who I should mention I owe ten bucks because on Halloween night he said if the Dems do well Rumsfeld was history- I said no way. We put ten bucks on it, and I have never been so happy to lose ten dollars in my life.)