Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Recovery

Image: Reuters
Karl "not such a friggen genius today" Rove listening to W the day after losing the House and Senate

Like so many of us James Wolcott can hardly believe this has happened:

As a lifelong misanthrope and fatalist, it's hard for me to take this buffeting of good news. It's almost more than my Eeyore ears can bear! Every thing tastes sweeter today. Even the rain seems rainier, as if the sky was weeping with joy and relief. Last night when we finally tumbled to bed at 2 AM the news was good, and when we opened the NY Times and the Daily News this morning the news was even better--how often does that happen? (emphasis mine)
It is amazing the collective trauma that we liberals have suffered since 2004. Every time I told someone that I was feeling good about the election they would cover their ears and say "shh shh- don't jinx it!"(Kim) Some people I know just kept saying they knew it was going to be stolen, (Linda) routines like attending an election party were changed (Sam & Dana), when told the first numbers looked good people yelled, "don't say that!", (Caroline) when all of these crazy things were said people tended to quickly agree with the logic. (me)

If we should learn one thing from the Republicans it is that a good offense is the best defense. It is time for us to stop worrying all the time- especially stop worrying about what people think of us. If Bush is sincere that he wants bi-partisanship to start he needs to show it by doing more than just firing Rumsfeld and taking Pelosi out to lunch. How about nominating Madeleine Albright to the ambassador to the UN? She did it before and the world likes and respects her.

Until he walks the walk not just talks the talk I am sticking with this: Kick 'em when they're down.

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