Democratic Presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama waves alongside his wife Michelle and talk show host Oprah Winfrey during a rally in Des Moines, December 8, 2007.
It is going to be a nail biter.
The Iowa Caucuses are very hard to poll for several reasons. People have to commit for several hours, so turn out is lower than in the primaries. From what I can gather Obama is making a lot of new voters very excited - the question is will they turn out?
This time four years ago we all thought Dean would win. He came in third. I may sound confident when I proclaim I think Obama will win, but along with everyone else making predictions: we don't really know.
For you Iowa readers: have you made up your minds?
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Iowa Race is Tighter Than Ever
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1:19 PM
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I announced on this forum a while back that I was for Edwards, but it was causing me pain to be for a white guy when there are alternatives. (Some of my favorite people are white guys, don't get me wrong.) But now I'm leaning toward Obama because of what it would say to the rest of the world.
I have one more reason why the Iowa Caucus is hard to poll: BECAUSE WE GET SO MANY PHONE CALLS THAT WE DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE!!! And when someone says they are calling for a poll, they may well be calling for a candidate but you don't learn that for a few minutes. So, I don't do polls.
Nope. . .no clue. I JUST got out of my Edwards phase and have been leaning toward Obama again. My parents are all for Hillary- (this is their first caucus having been Minnesotans all of their lives until I brought their first and only grandkid into the world, and more specifically, into Iowa; they moved here when Ruby was one and they were newly retired.) But, I digress. . . I cannot remember wavering so much in the past! Just got off the phone with Betsy, I asked her if she knew who she was caucusing for yet, apparently, she is entering an Edwards phase. I guess its a good problem to have, right? too many good options???
I hear ya, Ellen, I get more phone calls from pollsters than family and friends combined!!
So can Obama count on the same numbers as the books in Oprah's club?
I usually do not have an aloud opinion about U.S politics, even though is the country where I live and one of my daughters was born in. But, I have lived almost all my life out side of the U.S, as a citizen of another country and I kind of know what the rest of the world (including neighbors from the south)wants from the leader of the U.S.
Every one thinks on a comprehensive, peaceful guy, that makes compromises in good cooperation, human rights, environment, etc. I don't think that the world cares is white, is a woman, is a man, is short, is tall.
Just somebody who cares, really cares.
Anne and I are going for Obama. It took a long time to make up our minds but we settled a few weeks ago after seeing Obama and Edwards on back to back days. It's rough living in Iowa, eh? We also were pleased to find that the caucus is kid friendly. We can take the kids with and have them with us, or high school kids will have a room for them to play in.
Anne's dad is going for Obama too.
I've got to say around where I live and the kids go to school, there are tons of Obama signs, and in my 60 mile round trip for work every day I see more stickers for Obama than everyone else of both party combined. So, he's got support around here, but Iowa City/Coralville is a bit abnormal for Iowa.
Looking forward to next fall, I'd say 90% or more of all yard signs or bumper stickers are for Democrats. With an eye to next year, I like seeing that when I'm out and about.
I just thought of another interesting thing. Our friend Pat's mother is 94. She is caucusing for Hillary and says she has waited all her life to vote for a woman. On the same day I heard this, I heard a radio commentator say that young women know that they will have a woman president in their lifetime, but older women are more impatient.
Obama all the way!
I haven't decided. I am split between Edwards and Obama. There is part of me that feels so hopeful about having a woman president that Hillary becomes attractive too! My mom is Hillary all the way. I don't know where Jim is... I think he is also split - Obama and Edwards.
No one has gotten my attention. I haven't seen much of Obama, really, but I keep coming across Edwards' face everywhere. After caucusing for Dean last time around, I guess I'm understandably "blah" about this year. I'm trying to decide what my tolerance is for character flaws. What is the most objectionable thing a candidate can do and still get me to vote for him (or her)? Obama's already pushing the envelope with this Oprah business.
Boy, my mom is working hard for Edwards and really is encouraging me to vote for him, but I think I'm leaning more towards Obama. I don't know what to do. I just want a damn Democrat in the White House ASAP!
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