Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's Saturday Morning

Time for my favorite 365 shot from this week:

27/365: It's not easy being green.

I feel a little bit narcissistic telling you all how much I am enjoying this self-portrait a day thing. I signed up because I saw the dramatic improvement others had had in their photography. Now I understand why - you really have to put a bit of planning into a self-portrait. {Of course you could just hold the camera at arm's length and snap every day, but most people don't do that} Even the above shot where the idea came to me at the last minute, once I decided I wanted to have grass as my background I really thought about how I wanted to do it. (the hair across my forehead was just luck.}

What I didn't plan on with the project, is how it is kind of like therapy - but cheaper. How often during a day do you really just think about yourself? Not very often I bet. I guess it is like Yoga in that way - with out being sore the next day.


dkuroiwa said...

Your eyes are absolutely beautiful!! Never knew you had such "speckles"....and those are good things!!!

ma otter said...

this and the other grass shot I love. I like the green.

I must say that all these self portraits floating about among my blog friends are very revealing and personal and I guess this must be the ultimate objective of a photographic draw you in and captivate, to tell a story. I also will tell you I don't think I could do it... but its cool to participate as an observer and appreciater.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, would absolutely love to see what you came up with Annie, if you did it. It does seem narcassistic at first..and then ...totally liberating...and somehow...just makes me feel reconnected with me...which is such a great thing. And it does make you think about how to photograph things (although I did have a pretty lazy day today!).

lydiafdc said...

Not sore like yoga unless you attempt jump or cartwheel shots ;)

It is an interseting process. I'm still "exploring" and love the learning. you that shot too.