Monday, December 03, 2007

Leader Envy

I am jealous:

KEVIN Rudd has ratified the Kyoto Protocol as the first formal act of his Government, ending Australia's international isolation on climate change.

Within hours of being officially sworn in as the nation's 26th prime minister, Mr Rudd held his first executive council meeting with Governor-General Michael Jeffery, who agreed with his request that Australia ratify the decade-old protocol.

News of the ratification spread quickly, sparking a sustained burst of applause on the floor at the UN climate change conference in Bali, which Mr Rudd will attend next week on his first overseas trip as Prime Minister.


Anonymous said...

oh god..that's so great..that actually brought a tear to my eye..thanks for making my day!

lydiafdc said...

It's amazing the affect one leader can have...for better or for "W" (worse)!