Thursday, June 07, 2007

Win Win for the Rich White Guys

I have always thought that an immigration bill will not pass while Bush is President. I think it is another Karl Rove set up. Here is why:

Rove knows the demographics of this country do not bode well for the Republicans. I mean look at that photo above - does that look like the face of America in the 21st Century? Now look at this photo:

OK, still too many white guys, but the difference is striking - a woman, an African-American and a Hispanic.

What is the fastest growing ethnic group? Latinos. What party is being associated more and more as a bunch of racist white ass-holes? The Republicans. In the short term Bush is loosing a lot of support from the part of the GOP base which consists of racist ass-holes, and lets face it that is a big chunk of the base! They are pissed that more brown people are going to be allowed to become citizens under this bill. However, if the bill doesn't pass I bet that anger will seriously subside. Karl Rove hopes that for some Latino voters Bush siding w/ the compromise will mean that Republicans will not lose ALL Latino voters. It is a win win for Bush. When elections are super close keeping 10% of the Latino vote is a big deal.

The other big winner is big business. It is a great situation for them. Every once in a while a meat packing plant is raided and a bunch of poor Mexicans are deported - leaving nursing babies behind - but do the corporations get punished? Nope. (How could they possibly know the workers were illegal.....?) Plus the corporations don't have to worry about pesky things like labor or safety laws when illegal aliens are the workers. What are the workers going to do, report their employers to the same government they know would deport them if they knew they were living here? Don't think so.

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