Thursday, December 14, 2006

Another Great Media Post

This time it is from Atrios- who quotes Stoller:

My guess is that journalists are no longer communicating in a way that makes sense to voters. For instance, if you look at most Connecticut papers, you would find almost no coverage of the fact that Lieberman misled voters on his main campaign promise to bring the troops home as soon as possible, or that Lamont's claim that a vote for Lieberman is a "vote for more war" happens to be true. The campaign is over, so it's apparently not relevant that Senator Lieberman just called for more troops, which simply cannot be taken as anything but a call for more war.
Funny, while I was doing the dishes and listening to Rachel Maddow on Air America this evening I was thinking a similar thing. She was talking about some God awful thing Iraq contractor Bechtel had done with literally no oversight from Congress. I thought about how many thousands of juicy stories reporters could do with so little effort about the crooks that are the contractors. It would be so EASY- but there are very few stories like that out there. If they are they are A17 stories- buried.
I think most D.C. journalists know that most of those contracts stink to high heaven, it is a given- so no story there. Kinda like how they all know Bush is a total dumb shit who lies every time he opens his mouth. They expect it so therefore it is a non-story. Why then do they jump so quickly on every "Democrats are unpopular wimps" stories? Why was Kerry's bad joke such a big story? Every D.C. journalist knows that Kerry genuinely cares about the Vets- but that didn't matter. I don't get it. I really don't.

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