Thursday, August 17, 2006

Is Bush an Idiot?

Some of you may know that Aida and her friend Indi had a disagreement earlier this summer whether or not the statement, "Bush is an idiot" is an opinion or fact. Indi argued that it was an opinion, Aida said fact. Lucky for Aida, she got to meet my awesome blogger/journalist friend Athenea, who writes at First-Draft, this summer in Chicago. I suggested to Aida that she ask Athenea for some advice. Athenea then asked Aida if she had any evidence of Bush's idioticness. Aida, with out skipping a beat said, "yes, he didn't help those people during the hurricane." (I didn't even know that Aida remembered the hurricane, or that it made such an impact on her!) Anyway Athenea said that that was good enough for her and she thought Aida had proven her case.
Apparently Aida and Indi are not the only ones pondering this type of question, earlier in the week Joe Scarborough from MSNBC asked it on his TV show. You can see the clip here. Other people in the blog world have chimed in with their answers. The two funniest men on the internet give their answers here:

Wolcott's Answer

T-bogg's Answer

(Image: Crooks and Liars)

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