Tuesday, August 22, 2006

5 Times a Flower Girl...

While Pablo was at school this morning, (his last week at North Park Community Pre-School) Aida and I went out to find a Ivory flower girl dress for Juan and Karina's wedding on Saturday. We found this very pretty one and I took this photo to send to Karina. (Aida has her eyes shut in both photos I took of her- I didn't notice until the photos were already downloaded.)

When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a flower girl. Unfortunately for me it never happened. My daughter on the other hand has already been one four times! Aida is excited for the wedding, but even more excited for the dancing afterwards. Mexican weddings involve a lot of dancing and this time she will have her friends Isabel and Josephine to dance with. I hope we can get Benjamin and Pablo out on the dance floor too.

Update: the gold/ yellow sash pictured will be replaced by a baby blue on to match the bride's maids.

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