Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And Now For Something Completely Different.....

The kids' new shoes taken with the camera from my new phone.

I love my new phone. The most exciting thing is that I can put music on it. It may seem stupid, but now when I walk the dogs I can always listen to music I like. It doesn't have a ton of room, but enough for around 70 songs.

The hard part was getting the music to the phone. I couldn't go from itunes where our music is so I ended up burning a mixed CD from itunes and then importing that CD into the music program that came with the phone. There probably would have been an easier way, but I sure couldn't figure it out.

Did you really think I would have a whole post and not talk about Busby. What the heck is happening down at the Country Building?! The polls closed 2 hours ago- no new numbers since then!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Martihuerta said...

Poor Lauren.... seems Busby is doing alright but not enough...

Poor Pollo... seems Peje didn't do as well as expected...

Remember there's always the world cup...