Sunday, May 21, 2006

Liebermann in Trouble

On Friday night Connecticut Democrats held their convention. Some of you may know that a man named Ned Lamont is challenging Liberman for the Democratic nomination. To get on the ballot without having to collect thousands of signatures Lamont needed to get 15% of the delegates votes. Because of Lieberman's power in the state party most people expected that Lamont would not meet that threshold. In a stunning vote Lamont got over 30%! Atrios links to an article from the Connecticut newspaper, The Hartford Courant, explaining how terrible a defeat this was for Lieberman. There are a lot of rumors out there right now that Lieberman may bolt the party and run for the Senate as a Independent. His approval rating is higher among Republicans than Democrats in the state!

This was my favorite passage in the article:

The Lieberman people seemed dispirited all night. His demonstrators waved and rubbed together curious-looking wiener-shaped balloons advising "Stick With Joe" as they made their way through the aisles in a short, obligatory demonstration to the tune of "Still the One." They became animated only when "Soul Man" came over the sound system, providing a cover to stop chanting and start dancing.
I guess his supporters are as dorky as he is.

Pachacutec from Firedoglake writes how proud the "netroots" should be of Lamont's success and how this is a bigger deal than Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation (Fitzmas):
Ned Lamont'’s victory last night was our collective victory in the netroots and grassroots. His is the first major campaign wholly conceived and developed through our movement. It'’s a bigger victory than Fitzmas will ever be because Fitzmas is temporally focused on a few scummy perps. But even if or when those perps are brought to justice, nothing about our government will fundamentally have been changed. Patrick Fitzgerald can'’t do that, but we can.
Update: Ned Lamont thanks the blogs in this cool little video.

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